Every month I threaten (myself) to withdraw my interest and money in a never ending range of supplements and herbs, tinctures and whatever the latest research has touted for a miracle du jour for auto-immune and chronic illnesses. But then pay day comes around again and I’ve read hundreds of articles and research studies during the month which has left my fingers itching to go online and order the next amazing product that will fix fibromyalgia.

This month I was determined to go sans supplements. I am NOT going to source a number of supplements that have crossed my ears and eyes this month such as Gluthatione, L-Carnitine, Ribose, micro-dosing LSD, Faecal Matter Transplants and Focalin, the latter an actual prescription drug and one that would do more damage to a person long-term than lsd, thc and a diy FMT combined. Don’t judge me but I did fill my cart numerous times finding everything I was convinced I needed but it the end I stuck to my choice to detox from supplements and never checked out the items.

You may also be partial to this type of ‘fixing’ pattern. If you are I don’t have to tell you it is no easy feat for trigger happy fingers to opt out of adding a ‘cure’ to a cart and checking out. This month, at least, I chose to join the free online tapping summit instead. Have you used tapping? EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a process of tapping along the meridian/nadi lines on certain points on the face and body to unstick stagnant energy and emotions. It also helps you voice the problem, release it and re-balance; all at the tip of your own finger tips.

All negative emotions are felt through a disruption of the body’s energy. And physical pain and disease are intricately connected to negative emotions. Health problems create feedback – physical symptoms cause emotional distress, and unresolved emotional problems manifest themselves through physical symptoms. So, the body’s health must be approached as a whole. You cannot treat the symptoms without addressing the cause, and vice-versa.

Tapping provides relief from chronic illnesses, emotional issues, addictions, fears and phobias, ptsd, and physical diseases. While Tapping is on its way to revolutionise the field of health and wellness, the healing concepts that it’s based upon have been in practice in Ayurveda for over 5,000 years. Like acupuncture and acupressure, Tapping is a set of techniques which uses the body’s energy nadi/meridian points. You can activate these points by tapping on them with your fingers – literally allowing you to tap into your body’s own healing ability.

I’ve enjoyed learning this process. I’ve had a couple of Aha moments and genuine elation and other times it just brings up the emotion enough for me to see something wants to be looked at. I would recommend finding a practitioner that can help you one on one. If like me you just want to get started then jump right in with The Tapping Solution online with Nick and Jessica Ortner or buy a reputable book on Amazon for Instant Emotional Healing or just browse the myriads of free resources available on the web for it.

Lastly a disclaimer of sorts, we are all at different stages in therapeutic approaches but whichever path you choose make sure to have supports in place if something does come up that is too raw or uneasy for you to manage alone, ask for help from a practitioner, family member, friend, counsellor or psychiatrist, whatever you need, you know best, even if you don’t think you do 🙂 Have fun tapping on some free energy and save some of that well earned cash for whimsy and funsies!



The Tapping Solution (EFT): The Future of Mental Wellness Has Arrived

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